Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 11, 2011

Today in History for November 30th


All I want for Christmas

Jessica Ellenhart was only six years old that late November morning --- the day she went to see Santa Claus. She had recently moved from the small town of Willington in Upstate New York, where her cat would chase mice around her basement, to Orlando, Florida, where mice, of course, were praised for another reason.

Cười chút chơi

Breakfast ( Tuoitrenews) – Nov. 30

Tuoitrenews briefs some of salient news published today, November 30, on Vietnamese media:
-- According to a source from Vietnam Airlines (VNA), VNA’s former pilot Kim Tae Hun, who has been accused of making false statements about his work experience by South Korea media, holds three pilot licenses issued by the United States, South Korea, and Indonesia respectively.  

Tron Lesson 1 November 30th